2018 English Reviewer: 130 Questions with Answers - LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

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2018 English Reviewer: 130 Questions with Answers

1. Which hypothesis of Krashen’s Monitor Model proposes that when learners are exposed to grammatical features a little beyond their current (i.e., I + 1), those features are “acquired”. Acquisition results from comprehensible input, which is made understandable with the help provided by the context.
            A. acquisition/learning hypothesis
            B. natural order hypothesis
            C. input hypothesis
            D. affective filter hypothesis

            Input hypothesis proposes that when learners are exposed to grammatical features a little beyond their current (i.e., I + 1), those features are “acquired”.

2. All of the following are implications of Krashen’s Monitor Model EXCEPT _____.
A. Teachers should correct errors during the time they are committed as error correction is valuable.
B. Teachers should not insist on learners conversing before they feel comfortable in doing so.
C. Teachers should not expect learners to learn “late structures” such as third person singular early.
D. Teachers consider grammatical teaching is of limited value.

On the spot error-correction may have negative effects in terms of anxiety and inhibitions.

3. They view the language as a system of related elements or “building blocks” for the encoding of meaning, the elements being phonemes (sounds), morphemes (words), tagmemes (phrases/sentences/clauses).
            A. structuralists
            B. transformationalists
            C. functionalists
            D. interactionalists

Structuralistsbelieve that language is primarily vocal; language is system of systems, and language is arbitrary.

4. Which of the following is a view of ainteractionalist?
A. Language is primarily vocal.
            B. Language is creative.
            C. Language emphasizes the meaning and functions rather than the structures     
D. Language is a vehicle for establishing interpersonal relationship.

Interactionalists believe that language is a vehicle for establishing interpersonal relations.

5. Which theory on language teaching has given birth to the methods that are learner-centered, allowing learners to work in pairs or groups in information gap tasks and problem-solving activities where such communication strategies as information sharing, negotiation of meaning, and interaction are used.
A. Structuralism
B. Behaviorism
C. Cognitivism
D. Functionalism

The functional view of language has resulted in communication-based methods such as Communicative Language Teaching/Communicative Approach, Notional/Functional Approach, Task-Based Language Teaching.

6. It is a branch of linguistics that deals with how words combine to form phrases, phrases combine to form clauses, and clauses conjoin to make sentences. 
A. morphology
B. syntax
C. semantics
D. pragmatics

Syntax is a branch of linguistics that deals with how words combine to form phrases, phrases combine to form clauses, and clauses conjoin to make sentences. 

7. What is shown in the systematic variation of /t/ such as /t/ in top is aspirated, /t/ is stop is released, and /t/ in pot is unreleased?
A. phoneme
B. consonant
C. variation
D. allophone

Allophones are variants or other ways of producing a phoneme.

8. Which of the following sounds are produced by bringing the articulators near each other such that the flow of air is impeded but not completely blocked. The air flow through the narrow opening creates friction.
A. p,b,t,d,k,g
B. f,v,Ɵ,ð,s,z,š,,h
C. m,n,ŋ
D. l,r

These sounds are called fricatives which are produced by bringing the articulators near each other such that the flow of air is impeded but not completely blocked.

9. What is illustrated in following example? In English, the statement “Marian is a linguist” ends with a fall in pitch, while as a question, “Marian is a linguist?” the pitch goes up.
A. stress
B. juncture
C. intonation
D. suprasegmentals

Intonation is the rise and fall of pitch which may contrast meanings of sentences

10. Which of the following is an example derivational morpheme?
A. helpful
B. stays
C. eaten
D. longest

Ful in helpful is a derivational morpheme which usually changes the form class of the words to which they are attached.

11. The words “gym, mike, and TV” are formed through _____.
A. clipping
B. back formation
C. root creation
D. compounding

Clipping or clipped form is a shortened form of a pre-existing forms ) e.g. gym < gymnasium; mike < microphone, TV < television.

12. What morphophonemic process is involved in which units that occur in some contexts are “lost” in others such as “l i b a r y” instead of “l i b r a r y”?
A. assimilation
B. dissimilation
C. epenthesis
D. metathesis

Dissimilation is a process that results in two sounds becoming less alike in articulatory or acoustic terms; a process in which units which occur in some contexts are “lost” in others; e.g. “l i b a r y” instead of “l i b r a r y”

13. Which syntactic structure is shown in the following examples?responsible officers, trusted friend
A. predication
B. complementation
C. modification
D. coordination

Structure of modification has two components; a head word and a modifier.

14.What is made use in this example “I told Paul to close the door and he did so”?
A. homonymy
B. anaphora
C. deixis
D. hyponymy

Anaphora is a linguistic expression that refers to another linguistic expression (point backwards). The pronoun refers back to its antecedent.

15. What category of illocutionary act is demonstrated in the following example?Recession will worsen in Europe in
the next five years.
A. representative
B. commissive
C. directive
D. expressive

A representative is an utterance used to describe some state of affairs: acts of stating, asserting, denying, confessing, admitting, notifying, concluding, predicting, and so on.

16. What conversation maxim seems to have been violated in the following example?
            A: How was the LET?
            B: Well, the proctor is my former college professor.
A. maxim of quantity
B. maxim of quality
C. maxim of relation
D. maxim of manner

Maxim of relation – a participant’s contribution should be related to the subject of the conversation – “Be relevant.”

17. This view emphasizes that native language comprises habits that a second language learner must overcome. This is accomplished by forging new habits through repetition of pattern drills with accompanying positive reinforcement.
A. Behaviorist learning theory
B. Cognitive learning theory
C. Functional learning theory
D. Holistic learning theory

Behaviorism is a systematic approach to the understanding of human and animal behavior. It assumes that the behavior of a human or animal is a consequence of that individual's history, including especially reinforcement and punishment, and the individual's current motivational state and controlling stimuli.

18. Overgeneralization errors such as “goed” and “keeped” are common in children’s speech. Such errors suggest that children _____.
A. are repeating what was said to them, and should take note of them
B. do not know the past tense forms of those verbs, and experience difficulty
C. induce the rules for the past tense from the language to which they are exposed
D. repeat the teacher’s mistakes, and those errors are very hard to undo
The term “overgeneralization” is most often used in connection with language acquisition by children. For example, a young child may say "foots" instead of "feet," overgeneralizing the morphological rule for making plural nouns.

19. This type of language is used to describe the kind of language a learner uses at a given time, that is, his version of a given language, which deviates in certain ways from the language of a mature speaker.
A. dialect
B. native language
C. holophrastic speech
D. interlanguage

Interlanguage is a type of language (or linguistic system) used by second- and foreign-language learners who are in the process of learning a target language.

20. According to cognitivists, errors in second language learning is considered _____.
A. basis for testing
B. part of learning process
C. as proofs of unsystematic way of learning
D. not part of natural progression in acquisition of English

Error and error correction can be valuable when it places the errors into the students’ focal awareness.

21. What aptly describes “universal grammar”?
A. language used for communication by people who speak different first languages
B. rules applicable to all human languages
C. language with the same vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation
D. rules of grammar that distinguish one language from the others

The concept of universal grammarstates that all languages are built upon a common grammar.

22. At the border of two countries there is a port where fishermen work. The fishermen do not speak the same language, so they communicate using one that has been invented but only for the purpose of trade. This scenario most accurately describes which of the following types of language?
            A. a dialect
            B. a creole
            C. a pidgin
            D. a regionalism

            A pidgin is a simplified language that is developed as a means of communication between two or more groups who do not have a language in common.

23. If the second language learner “assimilates”, then he _____.
A. maintains its own life style and values and rejects those of the target language group
B. adapts to the life style and values of the target language group but maintains its own life style and values for the intragroup use.
C. gives up his own life style and values and adopts those of the target language group
D. maximizes the use of his first language and the target language

            When a language learner assimilates, he considers the target language as his own language.

24. The following are the areas of knowledge and skills of communicative competence EXCEPT _____
A. grammatical competence
B. sociolinguistic competence
C. discourse competence
D. structural competence

            The following are the areas of communicative competence: grammatical, sociolinguistic, discourse, and sociolinguistic.

25. Speaker A’s final remark functions as _____.
            Speaker A: That’s the telephone.
            Speaker B: I’m in the bath.
            Speaker A: OK.
A. a request to answer the phone
B. an excuse for not complying
C. acceptance of an excuse
D. sarcasm

26. What is strategy is used by the second language learner in the following situation”
            “The student forgot the English term “train station”. He used the phrase “the place for trains” instead.
A. inference
B. paraphrase
C. generalization
D. adaptation

Paraphrasing is a restatement of a text or passage giving the meaning in another form.

27. What is the message of the short story, “The Centipede” by Rony V. Diaz?
A. Childhood memories are treasures.                
B. Teasing or Taunting should only be done by adults. 
C. Children should be responsible with what trick they do with their siblings.
D. Childhood relationships between siblings were sometimes painful.


When Eddie saw his sister beating his dog with a stick, he felt hate like a caged, angry beast in his chest. He could not cry to his sister because she had a weak heart. He recalled the things his sister did to him. For Eddie, his sister, Delia was the meanest creature he knew. He remembered when he was furiously hit by his sister when she learned that the leg of her doll was accidentally torn by him.

Nothing Eddie did ever pleased her. Destroying willfully anything he liked had become a habit for her. She even told Berto to kill his monkey because it snickered at her one morning, while she was brushing her teeth.
Eddie did not tell anything when she told Father that she did not like Eddie's pigeon house because it stank and he had to give away his pigeons and Berto had to chop the house into kindling wood. He learned how to hold himself because he knew they had to put up with her whims to keep her calm and quiet. But when she dumped his butterflies into a waste can and burned them in the backyard, he realized that she was spiting him.

Eddie got a big centipede that Berto found under the stack he chopped. He made sure that it was dead and placed it in a white cloth.He unwrapped and threw it on the lap of his sister whom he hated so much. His sister collapsed. Her voice dragged off into a painstaking moan.Eddie was engulfed by a sudden feeling of pity and guilt. He cried kneeling before her, telling her that the centipede was dead..

28. What problem is pointed out by the author in the story “How My Brother Brought Home a Wife” by Manuel Arguilla?
A. How Filipinos live in the province                               
B. How Filipinos solve family problems
C. How Filipinos are affected by new technology
D. How Filipinos accept or treat a new family member

Baldo waited Maria and Leon in a station so that he would bring the two in their house. Maria metBaldo at the first time. Leon and Maria rode in the cart with Baldo and Labang.
While they were in their journey, Leon askedBaldo on who told him to meet Maria and Leon in the station. In their journey, Leon and Maria sang a song “Sky Sown with Stars”. When they reached to their home, Leon saw his mother and asked on where was his Father
Baldo went upstairs to go to his father’s room and told the story to their journey. And when Leon and Maria came into the father’s room, his father changed the topic to Labang.

29. What is the problem or conflict in the story “The Mats” by Francisco Arcellana?
            A. Emilia’s indifference  
B. siblings’ rivalry                     
C. Mr. Angeles’ emotionality
D. Hunger in the family

Mr. Angeles travelled to southern Philippines and bought mats for his wife and children. Each mat had the corresponding name of all his living offspring, even those who already died. When he arrived home from his trip, he presented the mats to his family. As he unfolded one mat after another, he narrated the emotions, longings and beautiful memories they had had as a family. The sorrow heightened when the last two mats he opened were for his dead children which made his wife reacted with grief, and told Mr.Angeles that there was no need for him to open those mats for the two were already dead.

At that point, Mr. Angeles cried with pain while telling his wife that his children must always be in their memory no matter where they were.

30. What truth about life was presented in the story “The Wedding Dance” by Amador Daguio?
A. Some men are not contented with one partner.
B. Women and men are born equal.
C. Culture goes beyond love.                                         
D. Love conquers all.

"The Wedding Dance" by Amador Daguio, is a short story about a husband and wife, Awiyao and Lumnay, who had been married for seven years. In spite of being in love with his wife, Awiyao felt the need to marry again in order to have a son. At his second marriage celebration, Awiyao went to check on Lumnay, knowing she was upset. Awiyao thought the answer to Lumnay's sorrow would be to have her join the other women during the wedding dance. Lumnay went out to join the wedding dance, but decided not to and left. She could not stand the idea of her husband marrying another woman because she could not give him children.

31. The  “Dead Stars” by Paz Marquez Benitez symbolizes ___________.
A. the love of Esperanza for Alfredo                               
B. the love of Alfredo for Julia
C. the love of Julia for Alfredo                                        
D. the love of Alfredo for Esperanza


Angela Manalang-Gloria

I shall haunt you O my lost one, as the twilight
Haunts a re-entangled trail,
And your dreams will linger strangely with the music
Of a phantom lover’s tale,
You shall not forget, for I am past forgetting,
I shall come to you again
With the starlight and the scent of white champacas,
And the melody of rain.
You shall not forget. Dust will peer into your
Window, tragic-eyed and still,
And unbidden, startle you into remembrance
With its hand upon the still. 

32. What is the poem “To a Lost One” about?
A. An appeal to be remembered by a lover                      
B. A threat to a lover
C. Beautiful memories of a dead person                         
D. A ghost that haunts a fastidious lover

33. What virtue of the writer is depicted in the poem?
A. forgiving                   
B. honest                     
C. romantic                  
D. faithful

34. What does this line “I shall come to you again with the starlight, and the scent of champacas’?
 A. The speaker with champacas will visit his lover at night.
B. The speaker wants his lover to keep and cherish their memories in her heart.
 C. The speaker will rise from death to remind his lover of their sweet moments.
 D. The speaker wants to give his lover fresh champacas.

35. This line “You shall not forget, for I am past forgetting” means __________.
A. The speaker wants to be left unforgotten.       
B. The speaker wants his lover to forget her past.
C. The speaker wants his past not to be discussed.
D. The speaker wants his past not to be forgotten.

36.  The line “I shall haunt you” has a/an __________ tone.
A. begging        
B. appealing                 
C. romantic                  
D. commanding

37. “Lost One” may be pertained to _________.
A. lost feeling               
B. past lover                 
C. abandoned person    
D. ghost

38. It is a generally accepted first principle of oral interpretation that the reader must be true to
(A) the performance space
(B) the author
(C) the method
(D) the audience
(E) his or her training

The interpreter must care about the author’s material and must want to share it with others.

39. Within the communication process, the area that causes the most breakdowns is _____.
(A) interference
(B) feedback
(C) the situation
(D) the channel
(E) the message

Only interference is a problem in and of itself.

40. David is preparing a speech about why Hollywood became the center of the motion picture industry and the impact that its development as the center had on filmmaking. David’s speech should be organized using which of the following methods?
(A) Spatial
(B) Chronological
(C) Cause-effect
(D) Problem-solution
(E) Topical

            The speech answering this question could only use the cause-effect method of organization.

41. All of the following are correct descriptions of listening behavior EXCEPT:
(A) Careful listening can lead to anticipation of a speaker’s actions.
(B) People who learn to listen selectively can shut out what is undesirable.
(C) Listening comprises more than one-half of all communication.
(D) The ability to be a good listener comes naturally, and no training is necessary.
(E) Being an effective communicator means that one must listen to oneself.

            Effective listening requires study and practice.

42. When a group is faced with a problem requiring immediate action, the most effective leadership style is _____.
(A) authoritarian
(B) democratic
(C) laissez-faire
(D) charismatic
(E) permissive

Authoritarian style is most often considered appropriate and is in fact frequently welcomed by group members due to its ability to get work done more quickly.

43. Schema activation is important to make sense of new information in light of what students already know, and to make the necessary connection between the two. The following are good activities for schema activation EXCEPT _____.
A. constructing graphic organizer
B. previewing a passage
C. brainstorming ideas
D. evaluating or assessing ideas

It is NOT a good activity for schema activation. Evaluation and assessment of idea can come after schema activation.

44. The following are concerns of teaching reading EXCEPT _____.
A. vocabulary development
B. comprehension development
C. output development
D. application

C is correct. It is not a concern of teaching reading.

45. The following are principles for designing effective and interesting reading lessons EXCEPT _____.
A. For reading lessons to be interesting and motivating they must focus on simple themes.
B. Instructional activities have a teaching rather than a testing focus.
C. Lessons should be divided into pre-reading, during reading, and post-reading.
D. The major activity of the reading lesson is students reading texts.

Effective reading lesson should require students to do tasks that are complex.

46. Content-Based Instruction (CBI) is based on the common underlying principle that successful language learning occurs when students are presented with target language material in a meaningful, contextualized form, with the primary focus on _____.
A. understanding the lessons 
B. acquiring information and knowledge
C. making connections between what they learn at school and what they learn outside the school
D. making meaning from what they learn
CBI is designed to provide second-language learners instruction in content and language.

47. It is a vocabulary strategy which involves the process of breaking up of a word into its meaningful components: the root words, affixes, and suffixes.
A. contextual clues
B. structural analysis
C. summarizing
D. groupings

Structural analysis is the process of breaking up parts of a word into its meaningful components: the root words, affixes, and suffixes.

48. Which of the following questions is best for activating students’ prior knowledge to feel that they somehow connected to the topic “snakes” being studied?
A. What do you know about snakes? What snakes are common in your area?
B. What according to the selection are the types of snakes?
C. What did the writer suggest to the person who was bitten by snakes to do?
D. What is the importance of animals such as snakes in ecosystem?

Before discussing a text, discuss the topic that will be covered. Have the students share what they already know about the topic.

49. If the students think about the knowledge of their own thoughts and the factors that influence their thinking, they are engaged in the process of _____.
A. artistic thinking
B. metacognition
C. higher-order thinking
D. critical thinking

Metacognition is "thinking about one’s thinking."

50. Mrs. Torres wants to find out her students’ schema about storm surge. On the board she writes the words “storm surge” and encircles them. She, then, asks her students what they know about storm surge, and helps them cluster the information. What technique does Mrs. Torres use?
A. demonstration
B. vocabulary building
C. semantic mapping
D. deductive reasoning

Semantic mapping provides a visual guide for students to clarify textual information.

I only posted 50 items. If you want the 130 items, go to download section or just click HERE . God bless.


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