Gen Ed Reviewer: Earth Science - LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

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Gen Ed Reviewer: Earth Science

1. To what biome do the Philippines belong to?

a. tropical
b. tundra
c. dipterocarp forest
d. grassland

Ans: a

2. Tides, caused by gravity, is gradually slowing down earth’s rotation speed. A million years from now, scientists predict that earth’s __________________.

a. day is longer
b. year is shorter
c. day is shorter
d. year is longer

Ans: a 

3. On the earth’s geographical location will a town be to have most nearly twelve hours of light and twelve hours darkness during winter?

a. halfway between the equator and South pole
b. close to North Pole
c. close to equator
d. close to the South Pole

Ans: a

4. Which one explains why oxygen, a gas, is largest component of the earth’s crust?

a. oxygen gives earth crust its lightness
b. oxygen is capable of combining with most of the earth’s elements
c. oxygen is the most abundant element
d. oxygen is needed to sustain all life on earth

Ans: b

5. To earth scientist, the most important features on the map are the landforms that shape the earth’s surface and are shown in?

a. hydrographic map
b. geologic map
c. political map
d. topographic map

Ans: d

6. What causes high and low tides?

a. earth’s rotation on its’ axis
b. sun’s solar energy
c. moon’s gravitational pull
d. earth’s gravitational pull

Ans: c

7. How is coral atoll formed?

a. volcanic eruptions
b. corals growing around a volcanic island
c. underwater bedrock formations
d. earthquake

Ans: b

8. What is the longshore drift?

a. movement of sand and shingles along the coast
b. sand bars
c. accumulation of sand
d. island formed by volcanic eruption

Ans: a

9. How does an occlusion form?

a. cold air moving up from the ground
b. cold front pushing warm air up off the ground
c. unbalanced electrical reaction in air
d. cold and warm air mixing

Ans: c

10. What is heat haze?

a. A reflection caused by pollutants in the air
b. A distorted image resulting from the bending of the sun’s light rays by changes in air temperature
c. movement of warm air over a vast expanse of land
d. caused by extremely high temperature common of dessert areas

Ans: b

11. What sort of rock formation do the world’s greatest mountain ranges consist of?

a. magma
b. chalk deposits
c. fold eruptions
d. slip formation

Ans: b

12. What is the force that wears down mountains?

a. earthquake
b. erosion
c. volcanic eruptions
d. deforestation

Ans: b

13. How are volcanic islands formed?

a. collision of two oceanic plates
b. volcanic eruptions
c. cooling of lava by seawater
d. Accumulation of corals


14. When you pass orange fruit from tetra pack into a glass, the juice changes its?

a. volume
b. shape
c. state
d. all of the above

Ans: b

15. The amount of water vapour air can hold at a certain temperature without any change in state.

a. relative humidity
b. water capacity
c. water holding capacity
d. water pressure

Ans: c

16. A relative humidity of 20% mean air ________________________.

a. is filled with water vapour
b. can hold 25% more water vapour
c. is filled up to 25% of its’ capacity
d. has no water vapour content

Ans: c

17. Which of the following does not cause the different seasons?

a. tilting of the earth’s axis
b. rotation
c. revolution
d. evolution

Ans: d

18. The movement of the ocean water which can be alternative source of energy or power

a. waves
b. tides
c. gravitational force
d. earth’s rotation

Ans: b

19. When water vapour reaches this temperature, condensation takes place

a. saturation point
b. dew point
c. condensation point
d. precipitation point

Ans: b

20. Results in alternative days and nights in opposite parts of the earth

a. earth rotates on its’ axis in west to east direction
b. earth rotates on its’ axis in east to west direction
c. earth stops rotating on its’ axis
d. earth tilts on its’ axis

Ans: a

21. The falling of any form of water from the air to the earth’s surface.

a. condensation
b. precipitation
c. water vapour
d. humidity

Ans: b

22. The part of the atmosphere that filters the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

a. stratosphere
b. troposphere
c. ozone layer
d. ionosphere

Ans: c

23. The point of the earth’s orbit nearest the sun.

a. solstice
b. eclipse
c. aphelion
d. perihelion

Ans: d

24. The property of the minerals which give off rays of light when exposed to ultraviolet light.

a. luminescence
b. phosphorescence
c. radiation
d. fluorescence

Ans: b

25. Which of the following involves chemical weathering?

a. carbonation
b. oxidation
c. decomposition
d. all of the above

Ans: d

26. How long does it take for the earth to complete one rotation?

a. 365 days
b. 30 days
c. 24 hours
d. 72 hours

Ans: c

27. What is the primary function of gravity in the universe?

a. provision of energy
b. keep the stars and heavenly bodies in orbit
c. causes movement in space
d. part of universal design

Ans: c

28. What does the word “monsoon” mean?

a. moon will come soon
b. atmosphere
c. season
d. climate

Ans: c

29. Its’ discovery enabled geologist to date rocks accurately.

a. global positioning system
b. carbon-dating
c. radioactivity
d. layering

Ans: c

30. It occurs when the earth is between the sun and the moo, with the earth’s shadow cast over the moon.

a. total eclipse
b. lunar eclipse
c. eclipse
d. partial eclipse

Ans: b

31. It is the boundary at which the advancing warm air mass is replacing colder air at the surface.

a. warm front
b. stationary front
c. cold front
d. occluded front

Ans: a

32. Alinsamgasumusunod ang hindiuri ng “galaxy” ayonsaklasipikasyonnaginawa I Edwin Hubble?

a. elliptical
b. spiral
c. barred spiral
d. Sirius

Ans: d

33. Ang erosion ay maaringmaagapansapamamagitan ng pagbubungkalayonsa contour ng lupa. Ang tawagdito ay ______________________.

a. terracing
b. strip-cropping
c. contour plowing
d. hillside plowing

Ans: c

34. Ang paggalaw ng mga “plates” tulad ng “Eurasian Plate” at “Pacific Plate” ay pinaniniwalaansadahilang _________________ .

a. Hindi pantay ang pagkalat ng init ng mundonito ay “convection current”
b. initna galling saaraw
c. enerhiyang tidal
d. “gravitational pull”

Ans: a

35. Ang _______ ay ang tawagsapagtalsik ng mganatunawna material namulasailalim ng lupa.

a. faulting
b. b. volcanism
c. tectonic movement
d. continental shift

Ans: b


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