LET Reviewer (Material 20) - LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

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LET Reviewer (Material 20)

General Review
1.       Individual differ from one another because of:
A.      Hereditary influences
B.      Environmental influence
C.      Sexual differences
D.      Cultural influences
E.       All of these
Answer: E

2.       Adjust to individual variation should be of utmost concern to:
A.      The teacher
B.      The parents
C.      The administrator
D.      The leaner
E.       The counselor
Answer: A

3.       The so-called “lock-step” instruction in the classroom is a direct violation of the principle of:
A.      Reinforcement
B.      Growth and development
C.      Motivation
D.      Individual differences
E.       Transfer learning
Answer: B

4.       Every child learns at his own rate. In a class of 40, it would be therefore be expected that:
A.      There would be at least two groups of learners.
B.      There would about 40 different learning rates.
C.      Majority would have the same learning rate.
D.      Some would be slow, some fast, and others average.
E.       Each child’s rate would be difficult to determine.
Answer: D

5.       The practice on promoting pupils on the basis of age rather than achievement or ability most likely results in:
A.      A wide range of differences among these pupils in the classroom.
B.      A restricted range in personality, interest and attitudes among these pupils in the classroom.
C.      The development of healthy, well-adjust individual.
D.      A homogeneous class in all aspects but one.
E.       Establish of rapport between teacher and pupil.
Answer: A

6.       A good procedure to get a social isolate participate more in group activities would be:
A.      To place in a position when he is forced to carry out group responsibility.
B.      To use social pressure of the class to get him to participate.
C.      To build up his confidence by recognizing the work he has done.
D.      To talk to him and convince him to join the others.
E.       To praise him in front of the class even though he does not deserve it.
Answer: A

7.       In planning a curriculum design, to priority should be given:
A.      To defining and classifying teaching-learning goals.
B.      To setting up strategies for evaluating the plan of work.
C.      To determining concepts that make up teaching-learning units.
D.      To anticipating the roles of the individual teacher.
E.       To defining the roles of the individual teacher.
Answer: A

8.       Generally positive reinforcement has far more desirable effects that negative reinforcement. In this regard, it would be wise for the teacher:
A.      To employ the same reinforce for all types of learners.
B.      To vary the types of reinforce based on their effectiveness to different kinds of learners.
C.      To use the same reinforce for the same individual all throughout the year.
D.      To changes the reinforce as often as possible.
E.       To adopt reinforce used by other teachers.
Answer: B

9.       In adjusting to the fact of individual differences among learners, teachers ordinarily make errors. Which of the following is not on error:
A.      Teach as one wishes to teach, regardless of maturational level, special ability or interest.
B.      Follow the lesson plan by step and to the letter.
C.      Spend more time with slow learners; leave the fast learners alone.
D.      Think of the learners in terms of one’s self – in speed or slowness of thought, temperament and attitude.
E.       Group learners on the basis of social maturity; frequently reorganize these groups whenever learning progress is manifested.
Answer: E

10.   In curriculum making, which of the following factors should be consider first?
A.      Part-time employment opportunities for students.
B.      Kinds of job available in the community.
C.      Competencies of teachers.
D.      Vocational interest of learners.
E.       Community resources.
Answer: E

11.   Order and discipline are necessary in order to get anything done. The real problem regarding discipline that should concern teachers, administrators and parents is:
A.      Deciding whether to have discipline of not.
B.      Determining the aims and methods of discipline.
C.      Selecting the personnel to carry out rules of discipline in school.
D.      Employing modern ways of effecting discipline.
E.       Considering the pros and cons of discipline.
Answer: B

12.   A teacher observes that in her class of 45 there are about five ability groups. She finds difficulty in adjusting her lessons to the level of all groups. The best thing for the teacher to do would be to:
A.      Divide the class into five ability groups, then teach one group after the other.
B.      Adopt differentiated lessons and assignments.
C.      Prepare multi-level lessons and use group work for practice exercises.
D.      Reduce the groups into two and teach them separately.
E.       Let the bright ones teach the slower one.
Answer: B

13.   Before, the curriculum was planned by experts and handed down to the teachers to be followed closely. Today, the teachers, as well as the learner, the administrators and even the parents are given a hand in curriculum planning. This is what we called:
A.      Innovative planning
B.      Purposive planning
C.      Traditional planning
D.      Long-rage planning
E.       Cooperative planning
Answer: E

14.   It has been said that transfer is never complete nor automatic, what is the implication of his statement for teaching?
A.      Mastery of subject matter assures proper application in any related situation, so the teacher must strive for this.
B.      To be sure that the different learning-products we seek are achieved, we have to teach for them.
C.      Teaching must ne learner-centered not is learner-centered, not subject matter-centered.
D.      The learner is responsible for injecting meaning into what ha have learned.
E.       We have to emphasize that transfer will occur when right time comes.
Answer: A

15.   The non-graded plan in the elementary school can best be described as:
A.      A school policy that does away with evaluation of learning progress.
B.      A policy to achieve heterogeneity within the classroom.
C.      An organizational setup which enables teachers to provide for remedial work to those who need it whenever necessary.
D.      A grouping procedure which combines the best feature of the many prior bases for grouping such as promotion and` acceleration.
E.       A promotion policy which allows everybody to pass at the end of the school year.
Answer: D

16.   Current emphasis on behavior objectives in instruction brought about the use of “performance criteria” in the training of teachers. “Performance criteria” refer to specific teacher behaviors as he/she intent with children in the classroom. The behavior listed below, except one, are good examples of this. Which is the exception?
A.      Providing for individual differences.
B.      Asking evaluation questions.
C.      Providing reinforcement of student answers.
D.      Phrasing questions so that they may be answered the first time without additional information.
E.       Guiding students in solving problems with aid of “lead question.”
Answer: C

17.   Variability in terms of instructional procedures and materials, cognitive level of discourse and students tasks has been found to be positively related to student achievement. What would be the most accurate interpretation of this statement?
A.      Schools equipped with teaching materials produce highly achieving students.
B.      Variety of teaching procedures materials, and students tasks may lead to confusion hence retard student achievement.
C.      The more varied the instructional procedures, materials, levels of discourse and student tasks are, the higher the probability that student achieve more.
D.      Good teachers employ varied instructional procedures, materials.
E.       High student achievement is caused by variability in instruction procedures, materials, levels of discourse and student activities.
Answer: C

18.   The principle of readiness has greatly affected education in recent years. For instance, some teachers wait for readiness to appear before teaching a child a new activity; others feel that readiness can be taught, therefore opportunity and encouragement are important. Despite differences in interpretation regarding this principles, there is an important point that is involved, which one is this?
A.      To “calm troubled waters”.
B.      To avoid overemphasis upon trivial matters and minor difficulties.
C.      To focus matters in their true perspective.
D.      To avoid overestimation of the wisdom of one’s own words.
E.       To contribute to all of the above.
Answer: B

20.   Which of the following objectives is expressed in behavioral terms?
A.      To name the steps in problem solving.
B.      To develop skills in critical thinking.
C.      To understand the value of logical reasoning.
D.      To gain insight into the process approach.
E.       To develop positive attitude towards one’s culture.
Answer: A

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