LET Reviewer (Material 53) - LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

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LET Reviewer (Material 53)

Basic Principles of Measurement
1.       Which of the following scores is meaningless:
A.      Raw scores of 45
B.      A z-scores of 1.5
C.      A stanine of 5
D.      A t-score of 60
Answer: A

2.       A students had a score of 60. The mean is 7o and the deviation is 10. His z-scores is:
A.      -1.00
B.      1.00
C.      1.30
D.      -10
Answer: A

3.       Which of these groups would be more likely to have s distribution of scores very close to a normal curve?
A.      A very bright class of pupils.
B.      A very slow group of pupils.
C.      A very small group of unselected pupils.
D.      A very large group of unselected pupils.
Answer: D

4.       Which of the following procedure would be expected would be expected to ensure the reliability to a test? Increasing the:
A.      Length of the test.
B.      Number of types of items in the rest.
C.      Homogeneity of the test.
D.      Heterogeneity of the test.
Answer: A

5.       Test norms are based on :
A.      The actual performance of a representative group of students.
B.      The predetermined levels of standards of performance.
C.      The performance of a selected group of students.
D.      The anticipator performance of a group of students.
Answer: A

6.       A test with a difficulty index of 0.85 is considered:
A.      High, therefore difficult
B.      Low, therefore easy
C.      High, therefore easy
D.      Low, therefore difficult
Answer: C

7.       A clear example of a future-oriented test is the:
A.      Philippine Achievement test
B.      Otis lemon Mental Ability Test
C.      Personal Test
D.      National College Entrance
Answer: D

8.       Which of the types of ability is not generally measured by intelligence tests?
A.      Quantitative
B.      Reasoning
C.      Verbal
D.      Social
Answer: D

9.       The Roschach test and Thematic Association Test are both referred to as ________ tests.
A.      Projective
B.      Psychometric
C.      Sociometric
D.      Analytic
Answer: A

10.   Which of the following is considered as a serious with personality test?
A.      Reliability
B.      Scorability
C.      Usability
D.      Validity
Answer: D

11.   Attitudes towards communism or socialism are best measured with:
A.      Sociometry
B.      Questionnaires & interview
C.      Checklists & multiple choice test
D.      Forced triads
Answer: B

12.   Which of the following is not used to access personality
A.      Interest/ inventories
B.      Self-report inventories
C.      Observation techniques
D.      Sociometric inventories
Answer: A

13.   Two classes are given the same arithmetic test and the mean for both classes is 57. The standard deviation for Class A is 5.1, while that of Class B is 10.3. On the basis of the above data, we may conclude that with respect to arithmetic achievement:
A.      Class A is more heterogeneous than Class B.
B.      The teaching of arithmetic is more effective in Class A.
C.      Class B is more heterogeneous than Class A.
D.      There is no sufficient data for making a comparison.
Answer: C

14.   In the following distribution : 1, 3, 3, 3, 5; we can say that :
A.      The mean is greater than the median.
B.      The median is greater than the mode.
C.      The mode is greater than the mean.
D.      The mean, median and the mode have the same value.
Answer: D

15.   The distribution given in no. 39 is :
A.      Skewed to the left
B.      Normal
C.      Skewed to the right
D.      Leptokurtic
Answer: C

16.   A class of 59 was given a test. The mean was 110 and the standard deviation was 12. The z-score of a score of 120 is:
A.      -1
B.      -1.5
C.      1
D.      1.5
Answer: C

17.   If we add 5 point each score by 2, what happens to the standard deviation?
A.      Increased by 5
B.      Increased by 10
C.      Remains the same
D.      Increased by 3
Answer: C

18.   If we multiply each score by 2, what happens to the standard deviation?
A.      Multiplied by 2
B.      Multiplied by 4
C.      Remains the same
D.      Multiplied by 1.5
Answer: A

19.   If three private schools are offering you a teaching job and all these school have the same starting salary schedule of P2,100 and the same fringe benefits with 12 salary ranges. However, their SD’s differ, which offer would you accept?
School SD
A       10
B       12
C        16

Answer: C

20.   Three students took three different tests in English, using what were presumably equivalent forms. If the English test is the determining factor in awarding the student a scholarship, to who would you give it?

Answer: Pedro

21.   Perla’s T-score is:
A.      50
B.      51
C.      52
D.      53
Answer: D

22.   Pedro’s z-score is:
A.      0.56
B.      0.57
C.      0.67
D.      0.75
Answer: C

23.   Assuming normality, between what two scores values do 68% of the scores in 1993 fall?
A.      115-145
B.      110-145
C.      110-140
D.      100-140
Answer: A

24.   Assuming normality, between what two scores values do 34% of the scores in 1991 fall?
A.      90-100
B.      100-112
C.      112-124
D.      110-112
Answer: B

25.   Find Paul’s z-score.
A.      0.33
B.      0.40
C.      0.55
D.      0.66
Answer: C

26.   A student whose score on a test lies in the third quartile:
A.      Is below average on the test.
B.      Is above average on the test.
C.      Has a score of 50 percent or less.
D.      Has a score of 25 percent or less.
Answer: C

27.   In a group on a standard test, the median would correspond to the:
A.      Arithmetic average
B.      50th percentile
C.      Quartile deviation
D.       most reliable score
Answer: B

28.   When an evaluation refers to norm-referencing test, it is most likely reporting data from:
A.      Teacher-made tests
B.      Local, city-wide tests
C.      Standardized achievement
D.      Criterion-referenced test
Answer: C

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