LET Reviewer (Material 67) - LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

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LET Reviewer (Material 67)

1.       A person who is empowered to investigate on its own or on compliant by any person any illegal, unjust, improper or inefficient act or omission by an public official is:
A.      The judge
B.      The President
C.      The Ombudsman
D.      None of the above
Answer: C

2.       The right to strike is granted as a first tool of workers in airing their legitimate demands. This statement is:
A.      True
B.      False
C.      Partly true
D.      Partly false
Answer: A

3.       Mr. Cee is a job-seeker who wants to get into a big company. Before he will hired for the job, he has to:
A.      Establish connections with the high ranking officers of the company.
B.      Take competitive examination and be set for an interview.
C.      Inquire more about the background of the company.
D.      None of the above.
Answer: B

4.       Which is the general misconception of the rural people with regards to their migration to the cities?
A.      Urban areas have fresh air.
B.      Abundance of prime commodities in the urban area.
C.      The city is much advanced in terms of standard of living.
D.      It is easier to find jobs in the city.
Answer: D

5.       The enjoyment of shelter in a healthy environment and with adequate neighborhood services is a basic human right.
A.      True
B.      Partly true
C.      False
D.      Partly false
Answer: A

6.       What are the grievances of the urban poor with regards to the relocation areas?
A.      Lacking in social services and infrastructure in the site.
B.      Land tenure and absence of livelihood programs.
C.      Local government’s apathy and hostility to the presence of resettlement in the area.
D.      All of the above.
Answer: D

7.       Social Justice Article of the constitution emphasizes that rural and urban dwellers shall be evicted and their dwellings demolished. With regards to resettlement, it is not necessary to consult the dwellers and the community to where they are to be relocated.
A.      True
B.      Partly true
C.      False
D.      Partly false
Answer: C

8.       What is the form of government in our country under the 1987 Constitution?
A.      Democratic state
B.      Republican state
C.      Parliamentary state
D.      Democratic & Republican state
Answer: D

9.       In the 1973 Constitution, the prime duty of the government is the defense of the state. In the 1987 Constitution, its duty is to:
A.      Protect the people
B.      Promote the health of the people
C.      Serve the people
D.      All of the above
Answer: D

10.   A social condition of equality and respect for the individual within the community in known as:
A.      Democracy
B.      Republic
C.      Liberation
D.      Union of state
Answer: A

11.   The Filipino women’s decade of struggle against sexual discrimination finally paid of when the 1987 Constitution granted them what had so long been denied them.
A.      Special attention & sexual equality.
B.      More employment.
C.      Preferential treatment.
D.      Equal protection of the law.
Answer: A

12.   The provision: “The state recognize the role of women in nation building and ensures the equality before the law of women and men” establish the principle of non-sexism.
A.      True
B.      Partly true
C.      False
D.      Partly false
Answer: A

13.   A significant place in our country which the rich calls a shanty, while the poor call it a palace:
A.      Slum area
B.      Smokey mountain
C.      Rural area
D.      Urban area
Answer: C

14.   Security of tenure means:
A.      The right to work under humane conditions.
B.      The right of workers to continue in the jobs and may not be dismissed unless ther is just or valid cause.
C.      The right of labor unions to organize.
D.      All of the above.
Answer: B

15.   The right to collective bargaining is known as:
A.      The right of a labor union as an exclusive agent of the employees in their bargaining with management.
B.      The right of workers to work under conditions that are not harmful to their health.
C.      The right of workers to declare a general strike.
D.      The right of workers to living wage.
Answer: A

16.   NGO means:
A.      Non-Government Office
B.      Non-government organization
C.      Non-Government Order
D.      Non-government ordinance
Answer: B

17.   Organized forces determine the real and basic changes that bring about societal transformation. An aggregate of real power which can be used to influence the course of events is known as:
A.      Organization
B.      People-power
C.      Liberation
D.      None of the above
Answer: A

18.   Initiative, referendum, and recall are essential forms of consultative mechanism. One of these consultative mechanisms empowers the people to propose and enact laws that they feel are needed is:
A.      Initiative
B.      Recall
C.      Plebiscite
D.      Referendum
Answer: A

19.   In the 1987 Constitution, election is considered as a consultative mechanism.
A.      True
B.      Partly true
C.      False
D.      Partly false
Answer: A

20.   The necessary prerequisite to genuine participation in conscienticizing women are through:
A.      Adult education and communication
B.      Communication and participation
C.      Political literacy and policies.
D.      Political and social consciousness.
Answer: A

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