LET Reviewer (Material 34) - LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

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LET Reviewer (Material 34)

1.       When a pupil practices giving a title for a paragraph, he is practicing the comprehension skill of :
A.      Finding and relating details.
B.      Getting the main idea.
C.      Drawing inferences.
D.      Predicting outcomes.
Answer: B

2.       Regarding the pupil who is reading below grade level, all of the following statement are true EXCEPT:
A.      The teacher is expected to assume total responsibility for diagnosing the causes of reading disability.
B.      The below grade level reader must develop a sense of confidence in his ability to become a successful reader.
C.      The teacher investigates various reading methods before deciding which approach to use.
D.      The teacher provides reading material that has high interest for the below grade level reader, but is easy enough for him to read.
Answer: A

3.       The following statement regarding oral and silent reading are true EXCEPT that oral reading:
A.      Calls for interesting for others; silent reading only to one self.
B.      Requires all the sensory and perceptual skills required in silent reading.
C.      Generally is lower than silent reading.
D.      Requires fewer skills than those needed in silent reading.
Answer: D

4.       The following statements regarding reading workbook exercises are true EXCEPT:
A.      Work book exercises follow, never precede, the initial teaching of a skill.
B.      All exercises should be checked by the teacher.
C.      Exercises are used sequentially in the same order as they appear in the workbook.
D.      Workbook exercises provide practice and testing of a skill introduced in the basal reader.
Answer: C

5.       Of the different types of experience chart, the ones NOT meant to be used primarily as reading chart are:
A.      Work charts.
B.      Narrative charts.
C.      Reading skill charts.
D.      Personal creative language charts.
Answer: D

6.       When an elementary school pupil can recognize a word through association of its sounds with the letter symbols, he is using the word-attack skills called:
A.      Phonic analysis
B.      Drawing inferences.
C.      Structural analysis
D.      Contextual clues.
Answer: D

7.       A teacher who believes in the linguistic approach in beginning reading would stress:
A.      Letters, symbols, and sounds in isolation.
B.      Sounds and words that present speech-to-print regularities.
C.      Phrases and sentences phrases that emphasize meaning.
D.      Meaning through the use of contextual clues.
Answer: B

8.       Of the following activities, the one that may be used to develop auditory and visual perception at the same time is:
A.      Discriminating fine differences in real objectives.
B.      Arranging geometric forms in teacher-directed sequence.
C.      Reproducing sounds in varying rhythmic patterns.
D.      Discriminating fine differences in the forms of words.
Answer: B

9.       All of the following are values of the individualized reading approach for elementary school pupils EXCEPT for providing:
A.      The opportunity for children to select their own reading material
B.      A rational for the teacher to meet with children in order to assess their interest.
C.      Much less record-keeping for the teacher compared to an approach using basal readers.
D.      Experiences in relating language arts skills such as speaking and writing.
Answer: A

10.   The LEAST effective strategy in stimulating children to express themselves orally in social studies lessons would be for the teacher to :
A.      Direct questions to specific children and get a response.
B.      Encourage children to talk with classmate and to give guidance when needed.
C.      Accept contributions from all the children.
D.      Help shy children express their ideas.
Answer: A

11.   In their study of how people live, pupils will discover that the economy of a region, the people’s lifestyles and the cultural activities are influenced MOST by :
A.      Psychology
B.      History
C.      Geography
D.      Sociology
Answer: D

12.   The use of a time lime as a teaching tool in the fourth grade is based on the belief that children:
A.      Need help in understanding time relationships.
B.      Like to learn about major historical events.
C.      Can learn to tell time.
D.      Should remember major events in history.
Answer: D

13.   The MOST effective method of helping children to develop the concept of cooperation is to provide:
A.      Opportunities for listing to stories about children cooperating with ethnic groups.
B.      Speakers to tell about how they cooperated with people of various ethnic groups.
C.      Audio-visual materials which illustrates the concept of cooperation among ethnic groups.
D.      Any experiences that will involve them in cooperating with children of different ethnic groups.
Answer: D

14.   A teacher may help pupils understand that the MOST abundant natural resource on which people depend is:
A.      Petroleum
B.      Soil.
C.      Fish and game.
D.      Mineral.
Answer: B

15.   Pupils should learn from their social studies lessons that the English explorers came to the New World primary for __________ reasons:
A.      Religious
B.      Emotional
C.      Economic
D.      Political
Answer: D

16.   During a discussion of the water cycle, the teacher of an elementary school class explains that the process in which a liquid is converted to a gas is known as :
A.      Liquefaction.
B.      Evaporation.
C.      Homogenization.
D.      Condensation.
Answer: B

17.   An elementary school teacher, in conducting an experiment to show the splitting of the white into a spectrum, would BEST demonstrate this with a :
A.      Convex lens.
B.      Pinhole camera.
C.      Concave lens.
D.      Triangular glass prism.
Answer: D

18.   When presenting a lesson on planting, the elementary school teacher should stress that the condition NOT necessary for seeds to begin germination is:
A.      Fertile soil.
B.      Oxygen.
C.      Favorable temperature.
D.      Moisture.
Answer: A

19.   In a discussion of soil conversation, the elementary school teacher should that all of the following would speed soil erosion EXCEPT:
A.      Terracing.
B.      Removing trees.
C.      Planting trees.
D.      Contour plowing.
Answer: A

20.   In an elementary school science lesson to demonstrate the wonder and complexity of the universe, the teacher would stress the fact that all weather which affects us occurs in the :
A.      Stratosphere.
B.      Troposphere.
C.      Fonosphere.
D.      Exosphere.
Answer: B

21.   The type of literary work MOST useful to a teacher seeking to develop a feeling of self-pride, identity and reality among the students is:
A.      Poetry
B.      Biography
C.      Fiction
D.      Fairy tale
Answer: B

22.   If many children in a class watch television a great deal, of the following, the LEAST effective practice the teacher can use to extend the children’s interest in  book is to:
A.      Suggested books on topics related to television programs the children have enjoyed.
B.      Have the children discuss how a book could be adapted for television.
C.      Enlist the help of parents in limiting television viewing time and insisting they read more books.
D.      Encourage children to find books which they feel would not be as effective on television as they are in book form.
Answer: A

23.   Among familiar tales read to the pupils in the elementary school, one that satirizes human vanity is:
A.      The Emperor’s New Clothes.
B.      The Fox and the Grapes.
C.      The Lion and the House.
D.      The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
Answer: A

24.   As a general rule, selected “demon” words are taught in spelling lessons so that difficult word may be:
A.      Introduced for recognition of regular spelling patterns.
B.      Used for the drawing of generalizations.
C.      Used to facilitate the flow of written expression.
D.      Staggered or delay in their presentation.
Answer: B

25.   The recommended method of instruction in spelling for children in grade three through six is:
A.      Teach-study-test.
B.      Review-test-teach-study.
C.      Study-teach-test.
D.      Test-teach-study-test.
Answer: A

26.   In planning the program for spelling instruction, it is IMPORTANT for the teacher to know that children:
A.      Should be able to improve so that they need not have to use a dictionary.
B.      Should never be given direct spelling instruction at earlier level of learning.
C.      Have speaking vocabularies usually far in advance of their spelling vocabularies.
D.      Should be exposed to words at their own levels only, so that these may be mastered.
Answer: D

27.   To develop power in written expression, of the following the LEAST important concept children need to understand is:
A.      Moralization.
B.      Chronological order.
C.      Cause-effect relationships.
D.      Categorization.
Answer: A

28.   In evaluating and revising their written composition, the LEAST important question children should be taught to ask themselves is:
A.      “Have I kept to the subject”
B.      “Do my sentences say what I intend them to say”
C.      “Have I headed the paper properly”
D.      “Do I have a good beginning and a good ending”
Answer: C

29.   Pupils in elementary school grades should be taught the mechanics of writing. For elementary school pupils, the LEAST important of these is:
A.      Citation.
B.      Punctuation.
C.      Capitalization.
D.      Paragraphing.
Answer: A

30.   Of the following statements regarding pupil discussion, the LEAST valid is:
A.      Use of the amenities helps to move a discussion forward.
B.      Discussion of the topic of problem leads to a solution or an agreement.
C.      A discussion period allows for an honest interchange of comments among pupils.
D.      Discussion by pupils is more or less organized talking directed to a matter of common concern.
Answer: A

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