LET Reviewer (Material 9) - LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

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LET Reviewer (Material 9)

1.       What the teacher does to help student learn is known as __________.
a.       Devices
b.      Methods
c.       Strategies
d.      Techniques
Answer: d

2.       The item which should be least considered in the choice of teaching technique is __________.
a.       Use a variety of techniques.
b.      Learning situations is a part of real life.
c.       Experiences should be xxxxx to school goals.
d.      Students find pleasure in the learning.
Answer: a

3.       A spontaneous, dramatization of a situation to show emotional reactions and imagined behavior is __________.
a.       Paid work experience
b.      Volunteer work and action project
c.       Meditation
d.      Role plating
Answer: d

4.       The higher thinking skills are _________.
a.       Comprehension and knowledge
b.      Knowledge and application
c.       Analysis and synthesis
d.      Problem identification
Answer: c

5.       Lecture, Recitation, Programmed Instruction, and Learning Packages are techniques under _____________.
a.       Real life situations
b.      Simulations of reality
c.       Abstractions from reality
d.      Objectives from reality

Answer: c

6.       If the student is participating mentally as well as physically, his/her interest will be greater and __________.
a.       Growth more rapid
b.      Achievement more rapid
c.       Emotional more rapid
d.      Spiritual more rapid
Answer: b

7.       If the group is large __________ techniques are more suitable.
a.       More
b.      Fewer
c.       Individualized
d.      Intimate
Answer: b

8.       The techniques in teaching Home Economics and Livelihood Education and Technology and Home Economics are categorized as ___________.
a.       Real life situations
b.      Simulations of reality
c.       Abstractions from reality
d.      All of the above.
Answer: d

9.       When the students are trying to find solutions to a problem that actually occurred in his/her everyday life such as repairing a bicycle removing a stain on an actual garment, he/she is using ___________.
a.       Demonstration
b.      Abstraction
c.       Experimentation
d.      Simulation
Answer: c

10.   Volunteer work and action projects are techniques need in ___________.
a.       Real life situations
b.      Simulations of reality
c.       Abstractions from reality
d.      None of the above.
Answer: a

11.   A _______ is usually designed to present a simulation or illustrate a principle and maybe written by the teacher or the student themselves
a.       Role playing
b.      Pantomime
c.       Skit
d.      Games
Answer: c

12.   The ________ is a technique commonly used in HELE and THE which presents the way to do a thing.
a.       Field trip
b.      Demonstration
c.       Inquiry
d.      Abstraction
Answer: b

13.   The name given to a technique which enables the students to practice managerial role in decision making by reacting problems and coming up with possible solution after deliberations done by the class.
a.       In-basket
b.      Discussion
c.       Quaker meeting
d.      Dramatization
Answer: b

14.   The technique used to share a new knowledge, a personal experience relevant to the lesson or to inspire is known as a ___________.
a.       Lecture
b.      Recitation
c.       Computer-assisted instruction
d.      Audio-tutorial instruction
Answer: a

15.   The techniques using _________ consist of concepts, objectives, suggested activities, and means of evaluation.
a.       Learning packages
b.      Reading and discussing
c.       Practice exercises
d.      None of the above.
Answer: a

16.   This is a situation in which the students use class time for study, usually assigned reading with a “study guide” set of questions to be answered.
a.       Examinations
b.      Supervised study
c.       Drill
d.      None of the above.
Answer: b

17.   Bliss groups, panel, symposium, forum, and colloquium are variations from ___________.
a.       Discussion
b.      Lecture
c.       Recitation
d.      Reporting
Answer: a

18.   Role playing, skits and pantomime and games are techniques using
a.       Real life situations
b.      Simulations of reality
c.       Abstractions from reality
d.      All of the above.
Answer: b

19.   Filling our application forms, contracts, inventory, poems, and interviews are techniques using writing and speaking which are examples of ____________.
a.       Real life situations
b.      Simulations of reality
c.       Abstractions from reality
a.       All of the above
Answer: a

20.   Decorating the house during Christmas, writing an articles for a school paper, baby sitting and giving a demonstration are techniques which fall under ___________.
e.      Real life situations
f.        Simulations of reality
g.       Abstractions from reality
b.      None of the above
Answer: a

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