LET Reviewer (Material 63) - LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

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LET Reviewer (Material 63)

1.       In our schools, Filipino is the accepted medium of instruction. When then is the purpose of the regional languages:
A.      They are only promoted on a voluntary and optional basis.
B.      They are adopted as the medium of instruction within the region.
C.      They shall serve as an auxiliary language in the region and shall serve as an auxiliary media of instruction therein.
D.      They shall serve for any significant event in the region.
Answer: C

2.       Article 14, Sec. 4.2 states that there shall be no educational instruction created solely for aliens. School B violated this provision if:
A.      It enrolls aliens more than 2/3 of the entire applicants.
B.      It accepts applicants coming from the Filipino community.
C.      It does not seek the DECS approval.
D.      It accepts repatriates.
Answer: A

3.       Every citizen has the right to select a profession or course he desires but he is subject to the following:
A.      Equitable admission requirements.
B.      Academic requirements.
C.      Fair and reasonable selection.
D.      All of the above
Answer: D

4.       “The state shall promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all” means that:
A.      Free education to high school and college students though scholarships and grants.
B.      The state shall establish, maintain of education relevant to the needs of the people in society.
C.      The State shall provide education to the people as long as they can afford to send their children to school.
D.      That education in the country is deteriorating at a fast pace.
Answer: A

5.       What is the reason for our government to include the study of the constitution as part of the curricula of schools?
A.      To inculcate patriotism and nationalism for our students.
B.      To strengthen ethical and spiritual values on your youth.
C.      To make students aware of their rights and duties to the country.
D.      To prepare them for a newer state of life in the future.
Answer: C

6.       Choose the best solution which our government can do to improve the education system of our country.
A.      Link formal education with non-formal, informal education and indigenous learning system.
B.      Establish and maintain a system of free education at all levels.
C.      Provide vocational education for out-for-school youth.
D.      Encourage more private sector participation in our education.
Answer: A

7.       Granting free education to the poor but deserving students provided they comply with the rules of the institution is known as:
A.      Scholarship
B.      Donation
C.      Incentive
D.      Privilege
Answer: A

8.       The State shall protest the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists, and other gifted citizens. Miss Salonga, a writer, is protected by this provision and is able to sue anybody if:
A.      Her book is copied without her permission.
B.      Her book is changed without her consent.
C.      Somebody else’s name becomes the author of her book.
D.      All of the above occurs.
Answer: D

9.       Incentives to private sector to join in the educational efforts of our government would mean:
A.      Tax deduction
B.      Grants-in-aid
C.      Scholarship
D.      All of the above
Answer: D

10.   An exception to the obligation of the government with regards to the Filipino national culture is:
A.      Preservation
B.      Enrichment
C.      Development
D.      Patronization
Answer: D

11.   Mrs. Villa, choreographer, uses modern jazz song to exhibit Singkil dance. She is defeating the aim of the of the Constitution on national culture and arts as to its:
A.      Preservation
B.      Enrichment
C.      Development
D.      Patronization
Answer: A

12.   In the formulation of national plans and policies, the government should recognize:
A.      Equal access to cultural opportunities through education.
B.      Public and private cultural entities.
C.      The rights of the indigenous, their tradition and institutions.
D.      Grant incentives to private sector.
Answer: C

13.   All these are essential elements of national development, except this component:
A.      Technology
B.      Science
C.      Education
D.      Religion
Answer: D

14.   The Constitution is promulgated in the following languages:
A.      Cebuano
B.      Tagalog
C.      English
D.      All of the above
Answer: D

15.   The body empowered to establish the National Language Commission is:
A.      House of Representatives
B.      The Upper House
C.      Congress
D.      The Executive Department
Answer: C

16.   The power of the government to manage, direct, govern and supervise is known as:
A.      Control
B.      Management
C.      Supervision
D.      Accounting
Answer: A

17.   The Official who has control of local government in the locality is:
A.      The President
B.      The Congressman
C.      The Governor
D.      The Councilors
Answer: C

18.   What are the ways by which the state can ensure access to cultural opportunities?
A.      Thru education
B.      Scholarship
C.      Grants
D.      All of the above
Answer: D

19.   Which Constitution of the Philippines emphasized the rights of indigenous cultural communities in preserving and developing their culture, traditions and institutions?
A.      1973 Constitution
B.      1987 Constitution
C.      1935 Constitution
D.      The Malolos Constitution
Answer: B

20.   Its function is to account for regional and sectoral needs and conditions and to encourage local planning in the development of educational policies and grogram.
A.      The Government
B.      Teaching personnel
C.      The State
D.      Non-academic personnel
Answer: C

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