LET Reviewer (Material 40) - LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

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LET Reviewer (Material 40)

1.       Oral reading by pupils is considered to be LEAST effective by most educators when it is used for:
A.      Diagnosis of errors.
B.      Giving evidence from the text to prove a statement.
C.      Presenting material prepared in advance by the pupil under the guidance of the teacher.
D.      Reading a new story at sight while the class follows in the test.
Answer: D

2.       Of the following, the LEAST educationally sound procedure in teaching current events in the social studies program is to:
A.      Have a committee make a series of periodic reports in following up a continuing current problem in some depth.
B.      Set aside regular current events periods in which as many children as possible read brief statements on a wide variety of events to give the class an overview of the current scene.
C.      Try to relate current events, as often as possible, to the unit being studied, even if the unit deals with far earlier times in history.
D.      Take time out from a unit to discuss an event of major historical significance, even if it is unrelated to the unit being studied.
Answer: B

3.       Of the following aspects of a social studies unit, the one which is LEAST appropriately by the pupils is the :
A.      Introductory motivational activities.
B.      Planning of research activities.
C.      Selection of materials to be used.
D.      Planning of methods of evaluation.
Answer: A

4.       Each of  the following suggestions will help insure good results in growing classroom plants EXCEPT:
A.      When adding water, soak the soil thoroughly.
B.      The pot or box should have holes in the bottom to allow excess water to escape.
C.      During the winter, plants should be placed directly on the radiator to compensate for loss of summer warmth.
D.      Leaves should be showered or washed from time to time.
Answer: C

5.       Of the following, it is correct for a teacher to explain that earthworms improve the soil because:
A.      They fertilize the soil.
B.      The funnels they dig allow air and water to get into the soil.
C.      They destroy insects harmful to plants.
D.      Their cocoons help to prevent erosion.
Answer: B

6.       All of the following statements regarding science experiments in the class room are correct EXCEPT:
A.      It is permissible for the teacher to conduct experiments requiring the use of fire.
B.      Plastic containers should be used when possible instead of glass containers.
C.      Devices brought in by children should be presented.
D.      The most satisfactory source of power is ordinary school current from the electric outlet.
Answer: D

7.       Of the following, the best practical example for the teacher to use in illustrating the use of gears in on “Moving Things More Easily” is a (n):
A.      Doorknob
B.      Water faucet handle
C.      Skate wheel
D.      Egg beater.
Answer: D

8.       In the curriculum area of science for grade three through six, seven broad topics (Magnetism and electricity, The Earth in Space, Living Things, etc.) are listed. Of the following, which one is Not recommended:
A.      All seven topics should be taught in each grade.
B.      A class may conceivably begin a topic at one time of the year and complete it at a later date.
C.      The topics listed must be taught in sequence.
D.      The teacher selects topics according to the timeliness of the subject matter.
Answer: C

9.       A flask is painted black, and a toy balloon is fastened over the mouth of the flask. This is inverted and set the sunlight. The balloon becomes inflated because the:
A.      Air in the covered flask rises.
B.      Black paint causes the air to expand.
C.      Sun’s rays heat the air in the flack so that it expands.
D.      Balloon is lighter than the flask.
Answer: C

10.   Of the following activities during a class trip to a city park. The LEAST desirable one is:
A.      Each child collects several samples of twigs and leaves.
B.      A committee of children seeks an interview with zoo keeper.
C.      Each child sketches an interesting view.
D.      Children keep notes about events during the trip.
Answer: A

11.   If a baseball fan notes a half-second interval between seeing the batter swing and hearing the crack of the bat against the ball, the fan’s seat and the home plate are separated by approximately:
A.      180 feet
B.      550 feet
C.      750 feet
D.      1,080 feet.
Answer: B

12.   The letter name of the third line of the treble staff is:
A.      b
B.      g
C.      d
D.      f
Answer: A

13.   all of the following would correlate with the unit “The Opening of Western United States” EXCEPT:
A.      BALLAD OF BABY DOE ----Moore.
B.      BILLLY THE KID ---- Copland.
C.      DEATH VALLEY SUITE ------ Grofe.
D.      AMERICAN SALUTE ------ Gould.
Answer: D

14.   In PETER AND THE WOLF, the grandfather is portrayed by:
A.      3 horns
B.      A bassoon
C.      A cello
D.      A trombone
Answer: B

15.   The lest effective method of developing the concept of the division of fractions is through:
A.      Experience situations.
B.      Inversion of the divisor.
C.      Interpretation on the number line.
D.      Diagrams.
Answer: B

16.   The number of the use flats in the key of E flat major is:
A.      One
B.      Two
C.      Three
D.      Four
Answer: C

17.   Art activities should be encouraged in children primarily for purposes of:
A.      Giving children an opportunity to use their creative potential.
B.      Teaching children to draw and sculpt realistically.
C.      Showing children how to make useful objects.
D.      Instilling habits of neatness.
Answer: A

18.   In art education, young children should be taught to:
A.      Accept the art standards of the teacher.
B.      Be accurate always in reproducing nature’s colors.
C.      Express color and line in their own way.
D.      Paint abstractions instead of realistic pictures.
Answer: C

19.   The main objective of teaching art in the elementary school is to :
A.      Develop drawing  and painting skills.
B.      Deepen knowledge and insight relative to the needs  of the learner.
C.      Appreciate and acquire knowledge of the artist’s intention, tool and materials.
D.      Provide time for quit activity.
Answer: B

20.   Of the following, the group of recommended physical activities which best lend themselves to performance in limited space are:
A.      Self-testing activities.
B.      Circle games.
C.      Lead-up-games.
D.      Squad activities.
Answer: A

21.   Of the following scores of an all-round athlete, the one that could represent his tennis score is:
A.      40 –above
B.      6 under par.
C.      100 meters -20 seconds.
D.      6 foot 7 inches.
Answer: A

22.   All of the following are lead-up games for basketball EXCEPT:
A.      End Ball
B.      Line Touch ball
C.      Captain Ball
D.      Long Ball
Answer: D

23.   All of the following is 24 renamed as a product of primes?
A.      2 x 6 x 2
B.      8 x 3 x 1
C.      2 x 2 x 3 x 2
D.      3 x 4 x 2
Answer: C

24.   In a drill on multiplication facts, a teacher presented the following facts:
2 x 4    2 x 6    2 x 5    2 x 7    2 x 8
4 x 4    4 x 6    4 x 5    4 x 7    4 x 8
Of the following statement, the one which indicates an understanding of drill procedures is:
A.      This drill was good because one relationship was stressed.
B.       This was poor because one table should be drilled.
C.      This was bad because children should know their tables in sequence.
D.      This was poor because only doubling was stressed.
Answer: A

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