LET Reviewer (Material 30) - LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

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LET Reviewer (Material 30)

1.       The chairman of the Kabataang Barangay is initiating a special project for the development of sports in the community. Funding is the primary problem as he decides to seek help from the school officials. What action should the principal take?
A.      Ask the teacher to contribute for a good cause.
B.      Contribute a certain amount for the project.
C.      Advise the chairman not to rush through his project.
D.      Call for a special meeting and present the problem to the teachers.
E.       Promise the chairman that he is going to study the matter further.
Answer: D

2.       A school can function fully as the leader of the community when:
A.      It has encouraged more teachers to carry out its community program.
B.      It enjoys the highest degree of trust of people involved.
C.      It extends the use of its educational facilities to the community.
D.      It can easily get the cooperation of the officials.
E.       It has organized pupil/student organizations to assists in the community projects.
Answer: B

3.       Which of the following would best serve as a direct link between the school and other social agencies in the community?
A.      Community assembly
B.      Barangay Youth Movement
C.      Barangay Ladies Club
D.      Catholic Women’s Club
E.       Parent-Teacher Association
Answer: E

4.       You have must received your appointment as chairman of the Beautification Committee in your town. You accept this because:
A.      You will be considered uncooperative if you don’t.
B.      It will be means for earning additional points for making.
C.      You feel it is a manifestation of the town’s trust in your capability.
D.      The prestige you will again from being Chairman.
E.       It is an opportunity for you to show your talents.
Answer: C

5.       Mrs. Torres recognizes that as a teacher, she cannot assume the responsibility of active participation in community life. In the choice of the type and number of activities in which she will participate, she will be guided by the following points, except one. Which is the exception?
A.      Her primary duty is to teach the pupils.
B.      She will consider her own opportunity for social relaxation.
C.       She will give priority to activities related to the education, social welfare of the youth in the community.
D.      It will add to her prestige if she becomes a “professional joiner” of the club of the community.
E.       She will be an asset to these activities as well as be serving the interest of the school.
Answer: D

6.       Two important things to bear in mind when imposing discipline in that classroom are:
A.      Fair limits of strictness and understanding.
B.      Firmness and consistency.
C.      Mercy and compassion.
D.      Tolerance and understanding.
E.       Compassion and tolerance.
Answer: B

7.       Undesirable behavior sometimes occurs because the environment is too limiting, too restricting for too long a time. How can sensitive teachers best create ways to expand this environment for the school children, considering the fact that they are form different home backgrounds?
A.      Schedule regular field trips to supplant and concretize classroom activities.
B.      Invite resource persons to speak before the class.
C.      Make maximum use of library facilities.
D.      Show films and film strips supplement some lessons.
E.       All of the above.
Answer: A

8.       Mario is a problem in class because of his hyperactivity. He wanders from place to place and disturbs his classmates in the course of his wanderings. He seems to be always seeking out the teacher’s attention and eventually getting punished. How would you best deal with this situation?
A.      Make him get back to his seat and his work.
B.      Refer his case to the guidance counselor so that appropriate remedial measure can be taken.
C.      Let stay by your side that you can see him work.
D.      Confer with his parents and ask them to help discipline the boy.
E.       Make him sit next to a conscientious girl in class.
Answer: C

9.       A student teacher has an unpleasant experience in the course of his teaching. Her teachers had advised her not to smile too often in the classroom nor show her true feelings to the students. One day the class got so noisy that the students noted inappropriate. If you were the student teacher, what would have been the best thing for you to do?
A.      Accept the students’ remark about my behavior.
B.      Make allowances for the students’ misbehavior.
C.      Find out what caused the noise and then act accordingly.
D.      Put the blame on myself and apologize to the class.
E.       Tolerance the noise, anyway it won’t last long.
Answer: C

10.   With of the following would be the best indication of good classroom management?
A.      Chairs and tables are arranged neatly n their respective places.
B.      Learning aids are displayed attractively on bulletin boards.
C.       The teacher stands in front while the children stay put in their seats.
D.      Children go about their tasks, talking to each in soft, modulated voices.
E.       Any of the above.
Answer: D

11.   Rose typically responds to the teacher’s request by doing the opposite of what she is asked to do. Whenever attention is called to her stubbornness and undesirable behavior, she only pouts and sometimes becomes aggressive towards the teacher and her peers. What is the best way to correct this behavior?
A.      Isolate her until such time when she is ready to change for better.
B.      Ignore her and withhold social reinforcement; later reward her for any improvement in her behavior, no matter how small.
C.      Penalize her by giving her low grades in conduct.
D.      Give her more attention and spend more time explaining her the undesirability of her behavior.
E.       Let her stay in one corner on condition that she joins the class when she knows how to behave.
Answer: D

12.   Suppose that during a lesson or discussion a student makes a certain generalization or conclusion that their does not fit date or is not relevant to the subject being discussed. The teacher can get him back on the right track by:
A.      Informing the class that the student’s assertion seems to be wrong.
B.      Telling the students directly that his answer is off-tangent.
C.      Telling him to read some more on the topic.
D.      Requesting the class to help him out.
E.       Asking him a series of leading questions.
Answer: E

13.   As a teacher dealing with a student’s assertion seems to be best for you to:
A.      Insist that the recite often to get over his nervousness.
B.      Treat his stuttering by having him repeat sentences in class.
C.      Explain to him that there is no reason for feeling nervous.
D.      Call his mother so she can train at home.
E.       Have him recite only when he desires.
Answer: B

14.   You are assigned to teach a sixth-grade class noted for unruly behavior. The first time you enter this class, how would you start the conversation?
A.      “Class, I’ve hear d that many of you have a bad record in the principal’s office.”
B.      “I am your new teacher. I expect each one of you to behave properly.”
C.      “I’m glad this class has been assigned to me, I hope to know you better as the day goes by.”
D.      “Some teachers here have warned me about you. Are you that bad?”
E.       “As your teacher, I am the person in authority here and you are duty-bounded to obey me.”
Answer: C

15.   Lourdes is described by her teacher as dislike by other children because she is past and no person wants to seat with her as a partner. How will the teacher best handle her case?
A.      Offer Lourdes a new model for all her interpersonal relationship.
B.      Study her good points and encourage her to develop them.
C.      Try to help Lourdes change her ineffective method of relating to her peers.
D.      Tell the children that the girl’s behavior is just temporary and she will soon outgrow it.
E.       All of the above.
Answer: B

16.   Professor Bayani was open and honest in his opinion. He accepted criticisms from his students. The students gained insights and found answers to many of their questions. Which of the characteristics given below best describe this kind of classroom atmosphere?
A.      Humanistic, realistic, understanding.
B.      Formal, authoritarian, traditional.
C.      Permissive and accepting.
D.      Supportive and consistent.
E.       None of these.
Answer: A

17.   In the middle of the class period Mrs. Chaves noticed that the children had difficulty in following the lesson. In a situation like this, it would be best for the teacher:
A.      To stop the discussion and give a diagnostic test.
B.      To continue with the lesson as planned and clear up the difficulties next day.
C.      To disregard the lesson plan and re-teach pertinent aspects of the lesson.
D.      To divide the class into small groups and give specific.
E.       To stop the lesson and tell the class to read their assignment.
Answer: C

18.   Mr. Ponce, a teacher in woodworking, is having a hard time making his students work with their hands. He has given suggestion on how to start the projects assigned to the three groups under him, yet nobody has actually begun the work. Here are some steps the teacher might make to solve his problem. Arrange them in their proper order.
(a).  Demonstrate to each group how to start the project.
(b). See to it that the materials and equipment needed are available.
(c).  Assess the skills of each group to determine if the project is within their capability.
(d). Reinforce every little effort put into the works.
A.      b-a-c-d
B.      c-b-a-d
C.      a-c-d-b
D.      c-a-b-d
E.       a-d-c-b
Answer: B

19.   when a young inexperienced female teacher is confronted with the problem of discipline in a class of adolescent boys and girls, it would be advisable for her:
A.      To bear her problems in silence.
B.      To quit teaching and look for another job.
C.      To seek the advice of more experienced teachers.
D.      To seek the advice of her principal.
E.       To seek the advice of her parents.
Answer: C

20.   In a PTA meeting, teachers are asked to explain the criterion-referenced measures. Several explanations were given but 90% of the parents still to do understand the matter how simple they are. How could the teachers increase their effectiveness in this regard?
A.      Let the principal explain for she is in better position to do so.
B.      Give the parents a copy of the memorandum that contains an explanation of these measures.
C.      Let the supervisor explain for they are best equipped to do so.
D.      Conduct the meeting in the local dialect and give specific examples.
E.       Use the multimedia approach by borrowing multimedia equipment from the National Media Production Center.
Answer: D

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