LET Reviewer (Material 52) - LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

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LET Reviewer (Material 52)

Basic Principles of Measurement

1.       In psychological measurement, a score of 50 is generally considered as
A.      49.9—50.9
B.      49—51
C.      49.25—50.75
D.      49.5—50.5
Answer: D

2.       Here is a series of scores   : 93, 90, 85, 84, . . . , 86, 42, 40. What is the best size of class intervals?
A.      3
B.      5
C.      6
D.      7
Answer: B

3.       What is the best measures of typical performance to use when there are extreme measures?
A.      Mean
B.      Median
C.      Mode
D.      Standard deviation
Answer: B

4.       What measure of central tendency is affected by extreme measures?
A.      Mean
B.      Median
C.      Mode
D.      Standard deviation
Answer: A

5.       If the mean is larger than the median, the mode is:
A.      Below the mean
B.      Above the mean
C.      Below the median
D.      Above the median
Answer: B

6.       When plotting the frequency polygon, which part of the score class do we use?
A.      Lowest limit
B.      Higher limit
C.      Midpoint
D.      Entire class interval
Answer: B

7.       A distribution with the greatest frequency at and around the middle and few high and low scores is:
A.      Platykurtic
B.      Mesokurtic
C.      Leptokurtic
D.      Skewed
Answer: C

8.       A distribution in which the scores are clustered at either end and shows a curve which is:
A.      Normal
B.      Bimodal
C.      Skewed
D.      Mesokurtic
Answer: C

9.       One should interpret the percentile rank of a given score in the terms of percentage of:
A.      Number of correct responses.
B.      Number of items in the test.
C.      Number of cases in the distribution.
D.      Number of wrong responses.
Answer: C

10.   A distribution that is steep with a narrow range is called
A.      Kutosis
B.      Leptokurtic
C.      Mesokurtic
D.      Platykurtic
Answer: B

11.   The least reliable measure of dispersion is the :
A.      Range
B.      Q
C.      Mode
D.      SD
Answer: D

12.   The measure of variability not influenced by extreme scores is the
A.      Q
B.      Range
C.      MD
D.      SD
Answer: A

13.   The semi-quartile range is a measure of:
A.      Probability
B.      Reliability
C.      Central tendency
D.      Correlation
Answer: A

14.   The measure of score density around the median is the:
A.      Range
B.      Mean deviation
C.      Quartile deviation
D.      Standard deviation
Answer: C

15.   The greatest weakness of the range as a measure of variability is its:
A.      Intricate computation
B.      Ease of computation
C.      Extreme in stability
D.      Difficulty of interpretation
Answer: B

16.   The root-mean-square deviation is generally known as:
A.      Average deviation
B.      Quartile deviation
C.      Range
D.      Standard deviation
Answer: D

17.   The largest measure of variability from the central tendency of a distribution is:
A.      Average deviation
B.      Quartile deviation
C.      Range
D.      Standard deviation
Answer: D

18.   Which of the following cannot illustrate two distribution together?
A.      Cumulative frequency curve
B.      Cumulative percentage curve
C.      Histogram
D.      Scattergram
Answer: C

19.   A distribution characterized by many high scores and a few very low scores is:
A.      Leptokurtic
B.      Negatively skwed
C.      Platykurtic
D.      Positively skwed
Answer: A

20.   The range is an expression of :
A.      Central tendency
B.      Correlation
C.      Concentration
D.      Variability
Answer: D

21.   What is the arithmetic mean of these scores :
A.      4
B.      4.3
C.      4.5
D.      4.6
Answer: D

22.   What would be the student’s percentile score if he got a score of 83, the highest in a groups of 100 students?
A.      100
B.      99
C.      83
D.      75
Answer: B

23.   In a normal distribution, one standard deviation from the mean is approximately equal to:
A.      25%
B.      34%
C.      50%
D.      75%
Answer: B

24.   In this series of scores ; 5, 7, 10, 4, 5; the mean is:
A.      5.2
B.      6.1
C.      6.2
D.      6.4
Answer: C

25.   The midscore or median of the following scores: 20, 24, 25, 10, 15, 24, 20; is :
A.      10
B.      15
C.      20
D.      24
Answer: B

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