LET Reviewer (Material 32) - LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

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LET Reviewer (Material 32)

1.       Teachers who assign reference tasks must be sure that children are capable of performing them. Of the following, the task that is LEAST significant is :
A.      The assignment should consist of finding answer to fairly specific questions.
B.      Children should know how to locate printed information in reference books.
C.      Children are to know that they are to copy word-for-word from the reference books.
D.      The information should be available in the classroom or the school library.
Answer: C

2.       All of the following are criteria for worthwhile homework assignments EXCEPT:
A.      All homework assignments should be written assignments.
B.      Homework assignments should serve a valid educational purpose.
C.      They should extend the pupil’s fund of information or give practice that he needs.
D.      Homework assignments should be specific and completely understood.
Answer: A

3.       The LEAST effective method for dealing with discipline problems in the classroom is to:
A.      Keep students busy with appropriate assignments.
B.      Single out difficult children for reprimand before the whole class.
C.      Make sure children understand what is expected of them.
D.      Keep expectations within the ability level of the children.
Answer: B

4.       Of the following standards that a committee chairman should observe in an upper grade class, the LEASE important is :
A.      Be impartial and secure the ideas of all the members so that all can participate.
B.      Assume the major responsibility for the functioning of the group.
C.      Establish guidelines so that each member will present a clear, well-organized report.
D.      Analyze the jobs of the committee members so that all have a fair chance to express their ideas.
Answer: B

5.       Of the following, the activity LEAST characteristics of the discovery method of teaching social studies on the first grade level is:
A.      First-hand experiences.
B.      Use of illustrative material
C.      Vicarious experiences
D.      Social play.
Answer: B

6.       In teaching lines of longitudes to fifth-grade pupils, children will learn that all of the following are correct, EXCEPT that:
A.      All lines of longitude are great circles.
B.      The equator is the only line of latitude that is a great circle.
C.      The great circle route is the shortest distance between two points on the earth.
D.      Meridians are imaginary great circles that pass around the earth north and south of the equator.
Answer: B

7.       Of the following, the most important benefit of unit teaching in social studies is that:
A.      Units are easier to plan and teach than are day-to-day lessons.
B.      Most units have a vague central theme or topic.
C.      Unit teaching units itself nicely to the notion that any class exhibits a range of abilities and interests.
D.      Most units are tightly structured so that you can use one text.
Answer: C

8.       When bilingual children are learning about the ways in which people live in different regions of the world, the most important objective for the teacher to stress  would be to develop :
A.      The understanding that human beings are much more alike than different- that men have similar basic needs but meet them in different ways.
B.      The understanding that must abandon his culture before he can shape his personality, values, and patterns of behavior.
C.      An understanding that all present-day bilingual culture has no origins in the past.
D.      An awareness that children take pride when they learn about the cultural achievements of dominant groups.
Answer: A

9.       All of the following statements are true about the time line EXCEPT:
A.      It is a visual technique used for developing time sequence and time relations.
B.      It is used as a reference in teaching situations.
C.      It is more interesting when illustrated with pictures that are pertinent to the focal topic.
D.      Its use is limited to grades one and two.
Answer: D

10.   Of the following independent activities which reinforce the spelling program, the MOST effective is to :
A.      Have the pupils write lists of words for homework.
B.      Have the pupils write original sentences incorporating review and test words.
C.      Have the pupils copy spelling rules.
D.      Have the pupils work with classmates at activities of their own choice.
Answer: B

11.   In selecting words to be taught in spelling lessons, the BEST criterion is :
A.      Difficulty
B.      Discrepancy between sound and orthography
C.      Frequency of use
D.      Rarity.
Answer: C

12.   Among the following causes of poor spelling in children the LEAST common is :
A.      Improper pronunciation of words by the child.
B.      Inability to hear the correct pronunciation.
C.      Defective memory.
D.      Aversion to competitive activities.
Answer: D

13.   To encourage children to express themselves orally, the LEAST effective activity would be to have them:
A.      Dramatize familiar poems and stories.
B.      Present a puppet play.
C.      Converse among themselves about their experiences.
D.      Read book reports aloud that they have written.
Answer: D

14.   Among reason for developing children’s listening skills, the MOST important is to :
A.      Promote immediate obedience to the teacher’s directions.
B.      Sharpen auditory discrimination to promote growth in reading
C.      Give others a good impression of the child’s training in courtesy
D.      Improve discipline in the classroom.
Answer: B

15.   Among activities to develop children’s skill in oral communications, the LEAST effective is to have the children:
A.      Report to the class on social studies and science projects.
B.      Deliver oral messages to other adults in the building.
C.      Interpret literature through choral speaking.
D.      Conduct interviews with other children and adults.
Answer: C

16.   The following are acceptable practices in providing instruction in handwriting, EXCEPT:
A.      Providing a variety of ways in which children evaluate their own handwriting.
B.      Examining pupil’s daily papers to note appearance and specific needs.
C.      Encouraging correctness and success.
D.      Teaching letters in alphabetical sequence.
Answer: D

17.   In teaching the left-handed children to write, the teacher should :
A.      Seat him away from other left-handed children.
B.      Guide the child to learn his writing skills at a different time prom his right-handed classmates.
C.      Observe the child to see whether he is truly left-handed.
D.      Encourage parents not to aid the child until initial lessons are presented in school.
Answer: C

18.   Four important tasks comfort the teacher in dealing with the diagnosis and remediation of handwriting problems. The LEAST important of these is :
A.      That the teacher seek to prevent children from becoming poor habits
B.      That the teacher seek to diagnose the children’s deficiencies and use whatever facilities are available in order to correct poor habits.
C.      That the teacher seek to motivate each child to his highest level so that realizes the importance of good handwriting.
D.      That the teacher seek to make the conversation to cursive writing whenever the child is emotionally and physically ready.
Answer: C

19.   Before children express themselves in writing, the MOST effective preparatory activity would be:
A.      Pretesting their ability to spell correctly the words they will be using.
B.      Oral discussion of what they will be writing about.
C.      Careful routinization of the distribution of paper and pencils.
D.      Displaying a model charts for the proper way to head their papers.
Answer: B

20.   In encouraging pupils to write original poetry, the teacher should stress all of the following EXCEPT:
A.      The acceptability of both serious and light verses.
B.      Expressing emotional experiences.
C.      The necessity for using rhyme.
D.       Using figurative and pictorial language.
Answer: C

21.   The least effective kind of book report to have children write is :
A.       A character sketch of one of the people in the book.
B.      A concise, accurate synopsis of the book’s contents.
C.      An estimate of what kind of people would enjoy the book.
D.      An advertisement of the book for a class newspaper.
Answer: C

22.   In order to maintain interest and a sense of pleasure in writing while developing the basic techniques of writing, the LEAST important activity is to:
A.      Share experience orally and in writing to encourage the children to think, talk and write of their experiences.
B.      Use the literature program as a springboard for writing by using poems and stories to show how others have used language.
C.      Have the children rewrite corrected papers so they are error-free and attractive.
D.      Give the children frequently to write and provide for both cooperative and independent responses to a topic.
Answer: C

23.   In selecting stories and poems to read to children, the teacher’s LEAST important criterion should be :
A.      Influencing the shaping of ideas and spiritual values.
B.      Giving children insight into the lives of other people.
C.      Introducing vocabulary words previously unfamiliar to the children.
D.      Deepening the children understanding the human behavior.
Answer: C

24.   After the teacher reads a story to the class, the LEAST effective follow-up activity is to :
A.      Ask questions to promote understanding of human relations.
B.       Discuss alternate endings for the story.
C.      Encourage informal dramatization of the story.
D.      Assign the writing of a synopsis of the story for homework.
Answer: D

25.   All of the following are objectives of a school story-telling program, EXCEPT to :
A.      Develop a child’s aural comprehension.
B.      Help reduce the gap between a child’s ability to read for himself and his capacity to understand and enjoy literature.
C.      Lead the reluctant reader to discover and explore books for himself.
D.      Narrow a child’s reading interests to one or two types of books.
Answer: D

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