Latest Biological Science Reviewer 8 - LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

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Latest Biological Science Reviewer 8

1. Which is not a characteristics of an organic compound?

A. Conduct electric current
B. Low melting and boiling points
C. Usually flammables and combustible
D. Generally formula in non-polar solvents

Ans: A. Conduct electric current
- The general properties of organic compounds are as follows: a ) low melting and boiling points b) generally soluble in non-polar solventsand most are not soluble in water c) do not conduct electric current d) usually flammable and consumable e) presence) of covalent bond.

2. Which is NOT a character of an organic compound?

A. Acetylene
B. Anthracene
C. Benzene
D. Polyethylene

Ans: Polyethylene
- Polythylene is the most produced plastic in the world. It is a polymer that we usually see everyday from bag, shampoo bottles, children’s and even bullet proof vest. A molecule of polyethylene is a long chain of carbons used in making color designs in the fabrics Benzene is an important organic chemical compound which is natural part of crude oil and gasoline.

3. A substance with a structural formula of                                      was found to be present in the breath of a patient indicating that he diabetes. To which carbonyl group does this substance belong?

A. Aldeyde
B. Carboxylic acid
C. Ester
D. Ketone

Ans: D. Ketone
- The substance with the structural formula is acetone. Acetone is the simplest and the most common ketone. Acetone is produced in the body during lipid metabolism. The presence of acetone in a urine sample or on the breath is positive indicator of diabetes ketone belongs to a carbonyl group (carbon oxygen double bond) with alkyl or aryl attached to it just like what is shown in the structural formula of acetone.

4. Methyl propyl ether is used as a general anaesthetic. Which of the following is its formula?

D. CH₃ CH₂ CH₃

Ans: C. CH₃ OCH₂ CH₂ CH₃
- Ethers are organic compounds tha contain an oxygen between two alkyl groups. They have the formula R-O-R with R’s beings the alkyl groups. Choice A is methanoic acid or formic acid. Choice B is ethyl alcohol. Choice D is propane.

5.Whta are compounds with the same molecular formula but with different structural formula?

A. Amines
B. Amides
C. Eter
D. Isomers

Ans D. Isomers
- Are compounds with the same molecular but with different structural formula. This means that isomers contain the same number of atoms of each element have different arrangement of their atoms. This is also the reason why there are so many organic compounds in existence. Amine is a hydrocarbon chain attached to an amino group. Amide is a compound where the N  of an amine attached to the carbon atom of a carbonyl group. Ester is a compound in which an alkyl or aromatic group for the hydrogen atom of the carboxyl group of carboxylic acid.

6. A compound was a subjected to Tollen’s  test. There appeared a silver mirror on the inner wall of the test tube. What is the compound most likely?

A. Aldehyde
B. Carboxyic acid
C. Ester
D. Ketone

Ans: A. Aldehyde
- Tollens’ test also known as silver-mirror test is a qualitative laboratory test commonly used to distinguish between an aldehyde and ketone. It is based on the ability of silver ions to oxidize aldehydes. In practice, when an aldehyde is combined with an ammonia complex of silver in a basic acqeous solution, the aldehyde slowly reduces the complex to the glass, forming a highly reflective surface.

7. What basic reaction of alkanes is being represented by the equation below?

A. Cracking
B. Dehydrogenation
C. Halogenation
D. Isomerization

Ans: C. Halogenation
- In organic chemistry, halogenation is the reaction of a halogen with another substance in which a halogen atoms ends up as part of that substance. A halogen is substituted for a hydrogen atom. When a specific halogen like chlorine is used, the reaction is called chlorination. Cracking is the breaking up large molecules structures.

8. What is a condensation reaction?

A. It happens when two reactants add together to form a single product
B. It is a reaction in which two molecules are combined by removing a small molecule
C. It occurs when one atom in a molecule is exchange by another atom or group of atoms
D. It is a reaction in which a single reactant is split into two products and one of the products

Ans: B. It is a reaction in which two molecules are combined by removing a small molecule
- Choice A is addition reactions. Choice C is substitution. Choice D is elimination reaction.

9. What are formed by the reaction of oxygen-containing acids with alcohols?

A. Aldehydes
B. Alkanes
C. Ester
D. Ketones

Ans: C. Ester
- Esters are compounds that are commonly formed by the reaction of oxygen containing acids with alcohols. Alcohol can be converted to esters by means of the Fischer Esterification Process. In this method, an alcohol is reacted with a carboxylic acid in the presence of an inorganic acid catalyst

10. Which organic group compound reaction is involved in the formation of soap?

A. Hydrogenation
B. Hydrogenolysis
C. Hydrolysis
D. Saponification

Ans: D. Saponification
- is the hydrolysis of an ester by a strong base (NAOH or KOH) to produce an alcohol and a salt. Soap is produce if the salt formed is formed I form a high molar-mass acid. Hydrogenation is a chemical reaction between molecular hydrogen (H₂) an another compound and breaks that compound bonds, forming two molecules as a result. Hydrolysis is a reaction involving the breaking of a bonds in a molecule using water. The reaction mainly occurs between an ion and water molecules and often changes the pH of a solution.

11. Equal amounts of copper (II) Sulphate solution and sodium tartarate solution were added to the test solution. After boiling, a positive result is indicated by the formulation of a brick-red precipitate of copper (I) oxide. The tets showed that the solution contains reducing sugar and aldehydes. What tets of organic compounds is being described?

A. Barfoed’s Test
B. Fehling’s Test
C. Molisch Test
D. Resorcinol test

Ans: B. Fehling’s Test
-In fehlings test, the presence of aldehydes but not ketones is detected by reduction of deep blue solution of copper (II) to a red precipitate of in insoluble copper oxide. The test is commonly used for reducing sugar but is known to be not specific for aldehydes.

12. What do some monerans form to survive in unfavorable conditions?

A. Hyphae
B. Endospores
C. Plasmid
D. Vaccines

Ans: B. Endospores
- When living conditions become unfavorable, some monerans can form dehydrated cellscalled endospores. Endospores have thick walls and can resist temperature, high UV radiation, desiccation chemical damage. And enzymatic destruction.

13. Which of the following is NOT a character istic of an active virus?

A. It multiplies quickly
B. It uses energy to grow
C. It destroys  its host cells
D. It has an outer coal made of proteins

Ans: B. It uses energy to grow
- Viruses are infectious agents made up of core of nucleic acid and protein coat. Viruses are not cells. They are not living. They do no not eat, respires, grow or respond to environment changes as cells do. Viruses multiply though the lytic cycle where the virus attacks the host, injects it nucleic acid into the host ad then spreads or burst from the host.

14. Which of the following is a characteristic of all protest?

A. Eukaryotic
B. Heterotrophic
C. Multicellular
D. Prokaryotic

Ans: A. Eukaryotic
- Protist are all the eukaryotic organism that are not animals, plants or fungi. They live wherever there is water. They are primarily microscopic and unicellular, or made up a single cell. The only characteristic common to protest is that they are all eukaryotic organism. Eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound nucleic and membrane-bound organelle.

15. All of the following describe a fungus EXCEPT __________ .

A. autotrophic
B. eukaryotic
C. heterotrophic
D. reproduce with spores

Ans: A. autotrophic
- Fungi are eukaryotic organism  that include microorganism such as yeast and molds as well as the more familiar mushrooms. All fungi are heterotrophs; they obtain nutrition from other organism. Fungal cell walls are composed mainly of the modified carbohydrates chitin. Most fungi are multi cellular, although yeast are unicellular.

16. Which are often described by a scientist as extremophiles?

A. Archea
B. Bacteria
C. Chemotrophs
D. Phototrophs

Ans: A. Archea
-- There are two kinds of microorganism that are divided into prokaryotes and those include bacteria and archaea. They look similar under the microscope but they differ in terms of chemical composition and cell process. Both bacteria and archaea have different Ribosomal RNAs (Rrna). Archea have three RNA polymeras like eukayotes but bacteria have only one. Archea are extremophiles, meaning they thrive in physically or geochemically extreme conditions. Arhcaea were originally discovered in places that derives energy from chemical. A phototroph is an organism that obtains energy from the sun.

17. Most minerals reproduce asexually through binary fission. What is binary fission?

A. It is a reproduction form ovum without fertilization
B. It is a process exchanging generic material through cell-to-cell contact
C. It is a process that replicates DNA and distributes it into two daughter cells
D. It is an asexual reproduction in which the organism is split into two fragments

Ans: C. It is a process that replicates DNA and distributes it into two daughter cells
- Binary fission is a process in which the chromosomes of a unicellular organism continually replicated, after which the cell divides forming two identical cells. Choice A is parthegonesis. Choice B conjugation. Choice D is fragmentation.

18. Under which group re asymmetrical, single-celled organism with a feeding groove excavated from one side classified?

A. Amoebozoa
B. Excavata
C. Opisthokonta
D. Rhizaria

Ans: B. Excavata
- Excavata are supergroup of protists that are defined by an asymmetrical appearance with a feeding groove that is “excavated” from one side; it includes various types of organism which are parasitic, photosynthetic and heterotrophic predators. It includes the protists, diplomonads, parabasalids and euglenooans.

19. Which of h the following belongs to the eukaryotic super group chromalveolata?

A. Euglena
B. Paramecium
C. Red algae
D. Slime molds

Ans: B. Paramecium
- Paramecium includes protists that have organized their cilia into a plate- like primitive, mouth, called an oral groove, which is used to capture and digest bacteria. It belongs to the super group chromalveolata and slime molds belongto excavate; red algae belongs to archaeplastida ; and slime mold belongs to amoebozoa.

20. Which pair of classification is CORRECT?

A. Archaeplastida: Fungi
B. Excavata: Dinoflagellates
C. Rhizaria: Land plants
D. Opisthonokonta: Animals

Ans: D. Opisthonokonta: Animals
- The eukaryotic super group opisthonokonta consist of animals, nucleariids, fungi and choanoflagellates. Dinoflagellates belong to chromalveolata while land plants belongs to archaeplastida.

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